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Chinese Medicine as a Narrative Medicine 

Hi, I'm Sarah Siegel.



Welcome to my little corner of the internet. I'm a fourth-year Chinese Medicine student and clinic intern in Berkeley, California.  I'm passionate about integrating Chinese Medicine with Narrative Medicine. The Five Elements are a powerful tool for self-discovery. Through my Five Element journal prompts, I use the principles of Narrative Medicine to bring health and healing to you in a lasting, yet ever-changing way. 


I'm here to encourage you to align yourself with the Five Elements and their corresponding seasons. This allows for a more balanced, adaptive lifestyle. Seasonal living requires us to check-in, set intentions, and reflect on the journey as we move through each seasonal phase of our individual lives and the calendar year. 


 I hope that more people adopt Chinese Medicine habits in their daily lives - whether seeking a licensed acupuncturist (L.Ac) for acupuncture treatment or simply living in accordance "with the seasons".




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